
For your nearest stockist, please contact our head office or any of our distributors listed below.

If you have a boutique store and have an interest in carrying the RAW by RAW collection, please contact the distributor for your state.


Agents & Distributors:

Victoria, South Australia & Tasmania

Condo Fashion Agency Contact: Celine

P: 03 9686 9996

E: celine@condofashion.com

W: www.condofashion.com.au

New South Wales, A.C.T., W.A. & Queensland

Halation Agency

Contact: Lisa, Georgina & Hayley

P: 02 9313 7060

E: lisa@halationagency.com,

E: georgina@halationagency.com

E: hayley@halationagency.com

W: www.halationagency.com

New Zealand

Fashion Marketing LimitedContact: Arnon

P: +64 4 387 9999

E: arnon@fmlnz.co.nz

W: fashionmarketing.co.nz


RAW by RAW Head Office

For marketing, PR and international distribution please contact:

Robal Australia Pty. Ltd.Ground Floor 1236 Glenhuntly Road.,

Glenhuntly, VIC, 3163                       

AUSTRALIAP: +61 3 9571 0531  E: info@rawbyraw.com